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One of Freemasonry’s traditions is that we do not solicit members or ask men to join.

Men must seek membership on their own initiative.

You may have already heard us say this, although it warrants saying it again: Movies and books have led people to believe many things about what Freemasonry is, what Freemasons are like, or what Freemasons do.  Before you start believing in all that Hollywood has to offer on the topic, allow us to start you onto the right path.  The Secret is that there's no Secret.  Freemasonry is dedicated to making good men better, from time immemorial. 


The Rewards of being a Mason

  1. Personal Growth – our continuing pursuit of knowledge, ethics, and leadership skills makes us better men and brings more meaning to our lives.
  2. Friendship – Masonry is a community of men and their families who share your beliefs and values.
  3. A sense of belonging – The fraternity lets men associate with other men of honor and integrity who believe that things like honesty, compassion, love, trust, and knowledge are important.
  4. A strong successful brotherhood – With 80,000 members in California, Masons can be found in any field.
  5. Service to community – Charity is at the heart of most Masonic activities. Our commitment to philanthropy, volunteerism, and community service helps make the world a better place for all of us.
  6. Rich history – You will be part of an organization that values tradition and history. The traditions and values of our fraternity are relevant today and will endure for centuries to come.

Values – As Masons, we value and promote

  1. Ethics
  2. Personal growth
  3. Tolerance
  4. Education
  5. Diversity
  6. Philanthropy
  7. Family
  8. Community
  9. We believe that there’s more to life than pleasure and money. We respect others’ opinions and strive to grow and develop as human beings.

Membership is open to men age 18 or older who meet the qualifications. We welcome men of all ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs. If you are interested in becoming a Mason or have questions about us, please  email us at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  You can also visit the Masons of California Grand Lodge website for additional details on how to join our fraternity.



CBS Sunday Morning aired a segment about Freemasonry presented by journalist Mo Rocca. This piece proved to be a fun, well balanced, and informative look at the fraternity. Among those interviewed were distinguished Masonic scholar and UCLA professor Margaret Jacob, as well as renowned Masonic author and editor of The Scottish Rite Journal, S. Brent Morris. Watch the video segment about Freemasonry via CBS Sunday Morning and view their accompanying piece, "9 things you didn't know about Freemasonry".
© San Jose Lodge no.10 Freemasons